A simple project that lends itself to a variety of bold colors and various patterns, the crochet scarf has marked the foray into the world of crochet for many just picking up hook and yarn. Its delicate look makes simple crochet appropriate for any number of designs; which is why you can find it on everything from tablecloths to dresses and purses.
If you don't know of anybody to help you, jump online and do a search for crochet baby blanket patterns. If for some reason there is not an abbreviation key then feel free to use any one of the crochet how-to manuals that you have on hand to help you understand the abbreviations. You can learn different styles and create new shapes.
There are a large variety of patterns and stitches. As a beginner, the easier yarn to use is one that has a medium or tight twist and a smooth surface. By using various combinations of stitches it is possible to create a variety of textures and patterns.
Browse through the books to find one that is most user-friendly for you. There are free patterns, charts with crochet abbreviations used in patterns, charts for hook sizes, etc.
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