Thursday, February 26, 2009

barbie crochet patterns - these are the essentials

A crocheted afghan is a great gift for family and friends. Granny squares have been made into everything from large afghans to tiny doll sweaters and everything in between.

Colors in soft, fuzzy materials provide a diversion to the cold, hard and glaring screens of your office computers that you have been staring at for the whole day. They make a slip knot in the yarn or string using their fingers, then make a loop and pass it through the first loop, then another loop through that loop and so on. You'll be amazed at how easily and well you pick up the art.

The official Crochet Guild of America features lessons as well as crochet ideas for new learners. Also, you will get to meet people doing the same things you are. You will be able to ask questions and get advice.

Crochet may seem complicated at first, but is really simple once you learn how. Remember that perfection is not necessary.

crochet american girl clothes patterns crochet guide crochet patterns for baby free - these are the basics Making Window Quilts - these are the fundamentals you should know

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