Thursday, May 28, 2009

crochet cotton booties - the easy way

Many people, when hearing the word crochet, instantly conjure the image of an elderly woman sitting in a chair, crochet hook held firmly in arthritic fingers as she concocts another table doily. If you don't want to end up with your sleeves a different shade to your body, make sure all of the batch numbers on the balls you buy are the same.

There are in access of a dozen different stitching methods, for instance cluster, cross over, Tunisian, cheek, crossed, knot, fence, mahogany, diagonal rib, star, stocking, rib, treble, fan, eyelet, braid and four sided stitch are the stitch you can learn, while knowledge of some of these stitch is a prerequisite before you start. I have known three housewives who have gone into crocheting, first as a hobby, and then into business, making sweatshirts, shawls and pillowcases in different designs and different colors. Give yourself plenty of time to learn the art of crochet before you start on a baby blanket.

It is both a social as well as a solitary hobby. Most crochet instructions include something called a gauge guide which is something of a practice area that allows you to crochet some stitches. Similar, but easier than learning a foreign language, after a bit of study, crochet abbreviations and symbols will make perfect sense!

By searching online you will find everything you need to know about crochet. Now get Crocheting.

single crochet blanket fluffy soft how to - stick to the fundamentals crochet sweater and hat for baby are great for beginners

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